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from pulsefire.clients import RiotAPIClient

Bases: BaseClient

Riot API Client.

Resources Support
League of Legends ✅
Legends of Runeterra ✅
Teamfight Tactics ✅
Valorant ✅


async with RiotAPIClient(
    default_headers={"X-Riot-Token": <API_KEY>}
) as client:
    account = await client.get_account_v1_by_riot_id(region="americas", game_name="200", tag_line="16384")
    summoner = await client.get_lol_summoner_v4_by_puuid(region="na1", puuid=account["puuid"])
    assert summoner["summonerLevel"] > 200

Source code in pulsefire/
class RiotAPIClient(BaseClient):
    """Riot API Client.

    | Resources            | Support                    |
    | -------------------- | -------------------------- |
    | League of Legends    | ✅                         |
    | Legends of Runeterra | ✅                         |
    | Teamfight Tactics    | ✅                         |
    | Valorant             | ✅                         |

    async with RiotAPIClient(
        default_headers={"X-Riot-Token": <API_KEY>}
    ) as client:
        account = await client.get_account_v1_by_riot_id(region="americas", game_name="200", tag_line="16384")
        summoner = await client.get_lol_summoner_v4_by_puuid(region="na1", puuid=account["puuid"])
        assert summoner["summonerLevel"] > 200

    Region = Literal[
        "americas", "europe", "asia", "sea", "esports",
        "br1", "eun1", "euw1", "jp1", "kr", "la1", "la2", "me1",
        "na1", "oc1", "tr1", "ru", "ph2", "sg2", "th2", "tw2", "vn2",
        "ap", "br", "eu", "kr", "latam", "na",
    ] | _str

    def __init__(
        base_url: str = "https://{region}",
        default_params: dict[str, Any] = {},
        default_headers: dict[str, str] = {"X-Riot-Token": ""},
        default_queries: dict[str, str] = {},
        middlewares: list[Middleware] = [
    ) -> None:

    # Account Endpoints

    async def get_account_v1_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/riot/account/v1/accounts/by-puuid/{puuid}")

    async def get_account_v1_by_riot_id(self, *, region: Region = ..., game_name: str = ..., tag_line: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/riot/account/v1/accounts/by-riot-id/{game_name}/{tag_line}")

    async def get_account_v1_me(self, *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/riot/account/v1/accounts/me")

    async def get_account_v1_active_shard_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., game: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1ActiveShard:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/riot/account/v1/active-shards/by-game/{game}/by-puuid/{puuid}")

    # League of Legends Endpoints

    async def get_lol_champion_v3_rotation(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV3Rotation:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/platform/v3/champion-rotations")

    async def get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ..., champion_id: int = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}/by-champion/{champion_id}")

    async def get_lol_champion_v4_masteries_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")

    async def get_lol_champion_v4_top_masteries_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}/top")

    async def get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_score_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> int:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/scores/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")

    async def get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., champion_id: int = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-puuid/{puuid}/by-champion/{champion_id}")

    async def get_lol_champion_v4_masteries_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-puuid/{puuid}")

    async def get_lol_champion_v4_top_masteries_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-puuid/{puuid}/top")

    async def get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_score_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> int:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/scores/by-puuid/{puuid}")

    async def get_lol_clash_v1_players_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Player]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/players/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")

    async def get_lol_clash_v1_players_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Player]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/players/by-puuid/{puuid}")

    async def get_lol_clash_v1_team(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Team:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/teams/{id}")

    async def get_lol_clash_v1_tournament_by_team(self, *, region: Region = ..., team_id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/tournaments/by-team/{team_id}")

    async def get_lol_clash_v1_tournament(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/tournaments/{id}")

    async def get_lol_clash_v1_tournaments(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/tournaments")

    async def get_lol_league_v4_entries_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4LeagueFullEntry]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/entries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")

    async def get_lol_league_v4_challenger_league_by_queue(self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/challengerleagues/by-queue/{queue}")

    async def get_lol_league_v4_grandmaster_league_by_queue(self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/grandmasterleagues/by-queue/{queue}")

    async def get_lol_league_v4_master_league_by_queue(self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/masterleagues/by-queue/{queue}")

    async def get_lol_league_v4_entries_by_division(
        self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ..., tier: str = ..., division: str = ..., queries: dict = {"page": 1}
    ) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4LeagueFullEntry]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/entries/{queue}/{tier}/{division}")

    async def get_lol_league_v4_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/leagues/{id}")

    async def get_lol_match_v5_match(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolMatchV5Match:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/match/v5/matches/{id}")

    async def get_lol_match_v5_match_timeline(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolMatchV5MatchTimeline:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/match/v5/matches/{id}/timeline")

    async def get_lol_match_v5_match_ids_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., queries: dict = {"start": 0, "count": 100}) -> list[str]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/{puuid}/ids")

    async def get_lol_spectator_v4_active_game_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV4Game:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/spectator/v4/active-games/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")

    async def get_lol_spectator_v4_featured_games(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV4GameList:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/spectator/v4/featured-games")

    async def get_lol_spectator_v5_active_game_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV5Game:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/spectator/v5/active-games/by-summoner/{puuid}")

    async def get_lol_spectator_v5_featured_games(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV5GameList:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/spectator/v5/featured-games")

    async def get_lol_status_v4_platform_data(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/status/v4/platform-data")

    async def get_lol_summoner_v4_by_id(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/{id}")

    async def get_lol_summoner_v4_by_name(self, *, region: Region = ..., name: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-name/{name}")

    async def get_lol_summoner_v4_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-puuid/{puuid}")

    async def get_lol_summoner_v4_me(self, *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/me")

    async def get_lol_summoner_v4_by_rso_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., rso_puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/fulfillment/v1/summoners/by-puuid/{rso_puuid}")

    # Teamfight Tactics Endpoints

    async def get_tft_league_v1_entries_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1LeagueFullEntry]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/entries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")

    async def get_tft_league_v1_challenger_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/challenger")

    async def get_tft_league_v1_grandmaster_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/grandmaster")

    async def get_tft_league_v1_master_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/master")

    async def get_tft_league_v1_entries_by_division(
        self, *, region: Region = ..., tier: str = ..., division: str = ..., queries: dict = {"page": 1}
    ) -> list[RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1LeagueFullEntry]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/entries/{tier}/{division}")

    async def get_tft_league_v1_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/leagues/{id}")

    async def get_tft_match_v1_match(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftMatchV1Match:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/match/v1/matches/{id}")

    async def get_tft_match_v1_match_ids_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., queries: dict = {"start": 0, "count": 100}) -> list[str]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/match/v1/matches/by-puuid/{puuid}/ids")

    async def get_tft_status_v1_platform_data(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/status/v1/platform-data")

    async def get_tft_summoner_v1_by_id(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/summoner/v1/summoners/{id}")

    async def get_tft_summoner_v1_by_name(self, *, region: Region = ..., name: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/summoner/v1/summoners/by-name/{name}")

    async def get_tft_summoner_v1_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/summoner/v1/summoners/by-puuid/{puuid}")

    async def get_tft_summoner_v1_me(self, *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/summoner/v1/summoners/me")

    # Legends of Runeterra Endpoints

    async def get_lor_ranked_v1_leaderboard(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LorRankedV1Leaderboard:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lor/ranked/v1/leaderboards")

    async def get_lor_match_v1_match(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LorMatchV1Match:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lor/match/v1/matches/{id}")

    async def get_lor_match_v1_match_ids_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> list[str]:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lor/match/v1/matches/by-puuid/{puuid}/ids")

    async def get_lor_status_v1_platform_data(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/lor/status/v1/platform-data")

    # Valorant Endpoints

    async def get_val_content_v1_contents(self, *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}) -> RiotAPISchema.ValContentV1Contents:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/content/v1/contents")

    async def get_val_ranked_v1_leaderboard_by_act(self, *, region: Region = ..., act_id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.ValRankedV1Leaderboard:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/ranked/v1/leaderboards/by-act/{act_id}")

    async def get_val_match_v1_match(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1Match:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/match/v1/matches/{id}")

    async def get_val_match_v1_matchlist_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1Matchlist:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/match/v1/matchlists/by-puuid/{puuid}")

    async def get_val_match_v1_recent_matches_by_queue(self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1RecentMatches:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/match/v1/recent-matches/by-queue/{queue}")

    async def get_val_status_v1_platform_data(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData:
        return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/status/v1/platform-data")
Region class-attribute instance-attribute
Region = (
    | _str
    base_url: str = "https://{region}",
    default_params: dict[str, Any] = {},
    default_headers: dict[str, str] = {"X-Riot-Token": ""},
    default_queries: dict[str, str] = {},
    middlewares: list[Middleware] = [
) -> None
Source code in pulsefire/
def __init__(
    base_url: str = "https://{region}",
    default_params: dict[str, Any] = {},
    default_headers: dict[str, str] = {"X-Riot-Token": ""},
    default_queries: dict[str, str] = {},
    middlewares: list[Middleware] = [
) -> None:
get_account_v1_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_account_v1_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/riot/account/v1/accounts/by-puuid/{puuid}")
get_account_v1_by_riot_id async
    *, region: Region = ..., game_name: str = ..., tag_line: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_account_v1_by_riot_id(self, *, region: Region = ..., game_name: str = ..., tag_line: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/riot/account/v1/accounts/by-riot-id/{game_name}/{tag_line}")
get_account_v1_me async
    *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}
) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_account_v1_me(self, *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1Account:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/riot/account/v1/accounts/me")
get_account_v1_active_shard_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., game: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1ActiveShard
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_account_v1_active_shard_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., game: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.AccountV1ActiveShard:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/riot/account/v1/active-shards/by-game/{game}/by-puuid/{puuid}")
get_lol_champion_v3_rotation async
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV3Rotation
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v3_rotation(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV3Rotation:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/platform/v3/champion-rotations")
get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_by_summoner async
    region: Region = ...,
    summoner_id: str = ...,
    champion_id: int = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ..., champion_id: int = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}/by-champion/{champion_id}")
get_lol_champion_v4_masteries_by_summoner async
    *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v4_masteries_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")
get_lol_champion_v4_top_masteries_by_summoner async
    *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v4_top_masteries_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}/top")
get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_score_by_summoner async
    *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...
) -> int
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_score_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> int:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/scores/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")
get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., champion_id: int = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., champion_id: int = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-puuid/{puuid}/by-champion/{champion_id}")
get_lol_champion_v4_masteries_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v4_masteries_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-puuid/{puuid}")
get_lol_champion_v4_top_masteries_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v4_top_masteries_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolChampionV4Mastery]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/champion-masteries/by-puuid/{puuid}/top")
get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_score_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> int
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_champion_v4_mastery_score_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> int:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/champion-mastery/v4/scores/by-puuid/{puuid}")
get_lol_clash_v1_players_by_summoner async
    *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Player]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_clash_v1_players_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Player]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/players/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")
get_lol_clash_v1_players_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Player]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_clash_v1_players_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Player]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/players/by-puuid/{puuid}")
get_lol_clash_v1_team async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Team
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_clash_v1_team(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Team:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/teams/{id}")
get_lol_clash_v1_tournament_by_team async
    *, region: Region = ..., team_id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_clash_v1_tournament_by_team(self, *, region: Region = ..., team_id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/tournaments/by-team/{team_id}")
get_lol_clash_v1_tournament async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_clash_v1_tournament(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/tournaments/{id}")
get_lol_clash_v1_tournaments async
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_clash_v1_tournaments(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolClashV1Tournament]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/clash/v1/tournaments")
get_lol_league_v4_entries_by_summoner async
    *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4LeagueFullEntry]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_league_v4_entries_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4LeagueFullEntry]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/entries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")
get_lol_league_v4_challenger_league_by_queue async
    *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_league_v4_challenger_league_by_queue(self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/challengerleagues/by-queue/{queue}")
get_lol_league_v4_grandmaster_league_by_queue async
    *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_league_v4_grandmaster_league_by_queue(self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/grandmasterleagues/by-queue/{queue}")
get_lol_league_v4_master_league_by_queue async
    *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_league_v4_master_league_by_queue(self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/masterleagues/by-queue/{queue}")
get_lol_league_v4_entries_by_division async
    region: Region = ...,
    queue: str = ...,
    tier: str = ...,
    division: str = ...,
    queries: dict = {"page": 1}
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4LeagueFullEntry]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_league_v4_entries_by_division(
    self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ..., tier: str = ..., division: str = ..., queries: dict = {"page": 1}
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4LeagueFullEntry]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/entries/{queue}/{tier}/{division}")
get_lol_league_v4_league async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_league_v4_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolLeagueV4League:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/league/v4/leagues/{id}")
get_lol_match_v5_match async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolMatchV5Match
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_match_v5_match(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolMatchV5Match:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/match/v5/matches/{id}")
get_lol_match_v5_match_timeline async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolMatchV5MatchTimeline
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_match_v5_match_timeline(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolMatchV5MatchTimeline:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/match/v5/matches/{id}/timeline")
get_lol_match_v5_match_ids_by_puuid async
    region: Region = ...,
    puuid: str = ...,
    queries: dict = {"start": 0, "count": 100}
) -> list[str]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_match_v5_match_ids_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., queries: dict = {"start": 0, "count": 100}) -> list[str]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/match/v5/matches/by-puuid/{puuid}/ids")
get_lol_spectator_v4_active_game_by_summoner async
    *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV4Game
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_spectator_v4_active_game_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV4Game:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/spectator/v4/active-games/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV4GameList
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_spectator_v4_featured_games(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV4GameList:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/spectator/v4/featured-games")
get_lol_spectator_v5_active_game_by_summoner async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV5Game
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_spectator_v5_active_game_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV5Game:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/spectator/v5/active-games/by-summoner/{puuid}")
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV5GameList
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_spectator_v5_featured_games(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSpectatorV5GameList:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/spectator/v5/featured-games")
get_lol_status_v4_platform_data async
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_status_v4_platform_data(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/status/v4/platform-data")
get_lol_summoner_v4_by_id async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_summoner_v4_by_id(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/{id}")
get_lol_summoner_v4_by_name async
    *, region: Region = ..., name: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_summoner_v4_by_name(self, *, region: Region = ..., name: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-name/{name}")
get_lol_summoner_v4_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_summoner_v4_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-puuid/{puuid}")
get_lol_summoner_v4_me async
    *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_summoner_v4_me(self, *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/me")
get_lol_summoner_v4_by_rso_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., rso_puuid: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lol_summoner_v4_by_rso_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., rso_puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LolSummonerV4Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/fulfillment/v1/summoners/by-puuid/{rso_puuid}")
get_tft_league_v1_entries_by_summoner async
    *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1LeagueFullEntry]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_league_v1_entries_by_summoner(self, *, region: Region = ..., summoner_id: str = ...) -> list[RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1LeagueFullEntry]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/entries/by-summoner/{summoner_id}")
get_tft_league_v1_challenger_league async
    *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_league_v1_challenger_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/challenger")
get_tft_league_v1_grandmaster_league async
    *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_league_v1_grandmaster_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/grandmaster")
get_tft_league_v1_master_league async
    *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_league_v1_master_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/master")
get_tft_league_v1_entries_by_division async
    region: Region = ...,
    tier: str = ...,
    division: str = ...,
    queries: dict = {"page": 1}
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1LeagueFullEntry]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_league_v1_entries_by_division(
    self, *, region: Region = ..., tier: str = ..., division: str = ..., queries: dict = {"page": 1}
) -> list[RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1LeagueFullEntry]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/entries/{tier}/{division}")
get_tft_league_v1_league async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_league_v1_league(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftLeagueV1League:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/league/v1/leagues/{id}")
get_tft_match_v1_match async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftMatchV1Match
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_match_v1_match(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftMatchV1Match:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/match/v1/matches/{id}")
get_tft_match_v1_match_ids_by_puuid async
    region: Region = ...,
    puuid: str = ...,
    queries: dict = {"start": 0, "count": 100}
) -> list[str]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_match_v1_match_ids_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ..., queries: dict = {"start": 0, "count": 100}) -> list[str]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/match/v1/matches/by-puuid/{puuid}/ids")
get_tft_status_v1_platform_data async
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_status_v1_platform_data(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/status/v1/platform-data")
get_tft_summoner_v1_by_id async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_summoner_v1_by_id(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/summoner/v1/summoners/{id}")
get_tft_summoner_v1_by_name async
    *, region: Region = ..., name: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_summoner_v1_by_name(self, *, region: Region = ..., name: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/summoner/v1/summoners/by-name/{name}")
get_tft_summoner_v1_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_summoner_v1_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/summoner/v1/summoners/by-puuid/{puuid}")
get_tft_summoner_v1_me async
    *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}
) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_tft_summoner_v1_me(self, *, region: Region = ..., headers: dict = {"Authorization": ""}) -> RiotAPISchema.TftSummonerV1Summoner:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/tft/summoner/v1/summoners/me")
get_lor_ranked_v1_leaderboard async
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LorRankedV1Leaderboard
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lor_ranked_v1_leaderboard(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LorRankedV1Leaderboard:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lor/ranked/v1/leaderboards")
get_lor_match_v1_match async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.LorMatchV1Match
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lor_match_v1_match(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.LorMatchV1Match:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lor/match/v1/matches/{id}")
get_lor_match_v1_match_ids_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> list[str]
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lor_match_v1_match_ids_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> list[str]:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lor/match/v1/matches/by-puuid/{puuid}/ids")
get_lor_status_v1_platform_data async
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_lor_status_v1_platform_data(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/lor/status/v1/platform-data")
get_val_content_v1_contents async
    *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}
) -> RiotAPISchema.ValContentV1Contents
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_val_content_v1_contents(self, *, region: Region = ..., queries: dict = {}) -> RiotAPISchema.ValContentV1Contents:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/content/v1/contents")
get_val_ranked_v1_leaderboard_by_act async
    *, region: Region = ..., act_id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.ValRankedV1Leaderboard
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_val_ranked_v1_leaderboard_by_act(self, *, region: Region = ..., act_id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.ValRankedV1Leaderboard:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/ranked/v1/leaderboards/by-act/{act_id}")
get_val_match_v1_match async
    *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1Match
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_val_match_v1_match(self, *, region: Region = ..., id: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1Match:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/match/v1/matches/{id}")
get_val_match_v1_matchlist_by_puuid async
    *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1Matchlist
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_val_match_v1_matchlist_by_puuid(self, *, region: Region = ..., puuid: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1Matchlist:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/match/v1/matchlists/by-puuid/{puuid}")
get_val_match_v1_recent_matches_by_queue async
    *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1RecentMatches
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_val_match_v1_recent_matches_by_queue(self, *, region: Region = ..., queue: str = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.ValMatchV1RecentMatches:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/match/v1/recent-matches/by-queue/{queue}")
get_val_status_v1_platform_data async
    *, region: Region = ...
) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData
Source code in pulsefire/
async def get_val_status_v1_platform_data(self, *, region: Region = ...) -> RiotAPISchema.StatusV1PlatformData:
    return await self.invoke("GET", "/val/status/v1/platform-data")